Final Manuscripts Submission in Confy (EAI camera-ready system)
Before upload: Register for the conference
Please ensure that you have registered to the conference via the conference website in order to upload your camera-ready paper. Please register using the same email as the one to which you received your notification of acceptance, this is necessary to let us match your registration with your paper. At least one author per paper is required to pay the full member/non-member conference registration fee in order to publish their paper, also in cases where all authors are students. EAI membership is free of charge, please find more information here. One registration may cover the publication of up to two papers of which the registrant is co-author.
Paper Formatting
Papers must be formatted with ACM's conference paper format. In the left bottom corner of the first page, delete the default copyright notice, which looks like: Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Conference’10, Month 1–2, 2010, City, State, Country. Copyright 2010 ACM 1-58113-000-0/00/0010 ...$15.00. Leave a white space in the left bottom corner of the first page , as Confy system will add the correct copyright block automatically. On the A4 there should be at least 100mm space from the left, and at least 70mm from the bottom.
All fonts in the PDF should be embedded.
Step 1: Login to Confy
Go to the Camera-ready Confy web site at Login using the email on which you received the acceptance notification. You may need to register (using that same email), and click on the confirmation link that you will receive to this email following registration. Alternatively, if you are already registered and forgot your password, please use the Reset Password function.
Once you have logged in, you may also go to Edit Profile at the top right and update your profile as needed, this step is not required.
Step 2: Enter Paper Details and Upload Manuscript
- Once logged in you should see on the Home page a list of conferences, tracks and workshops to which you have been accepted. Select from the list the conference to which you want to submit your camera ready paper. If you submit to a workshop, please select the host conference, the workshop will be listed as one of the tracks.
- If you do not see the conference listed on the Home page, click on your name in the main menu and select Conferences from the drop-down menu, for a complete, searchable list of all EAI conferences.
- After choosing a conference, go to Submit Camera Ready on the right.
- Please provide the following details of your paper:
- Title, Abstract and Keywords.
- Co-authors of your paper (if any) and in the correct order.
- The corresponding author.
FOR ALL CONFERENCES: Upload a PDF copy of your paper in the “Manuscript (PDF)” section by clicking the Choose file button.
Accept the conditions and hit Confirm and Continue.
You completed your submission
Your submission is now complete. You will be taken to your submission page. If you need to make any further modifications on your paper, you may do so by hitting Edit Submission. Upon returning to the web site, you may find your paper by going to My Papers.